
1099 Caregiver: Some Guidance For Independent Contractors About Taxes

1099 caregivers: Private Caregivers and taxes

Are you a caregiver who is an independent contractor?

Are you a 1099 caregiver who works with a Nurse Registry to find private clients seeking your caregiver services, If so you are an independent contractor. Nurse registries work exclusively with 1099 caregivers or independent contractors.

What do you mean 1099 caregiver?

In Florida, and many other states, caregivers may choose to work as 1099 independent contractors. This means that they in essence operate their own business. The role of Abby Services, and nurse registries like Abby Services, is to ensure they meet the strict standards outlined by the state of Florida to refer in-home 1099 caregiver (s), and to provide administrative services. This could include marketing their services, collecting their client payments, and serving as a resource for backup caregivers should a 1099 caregiver be unavailable.

We have recently updated our practices, further enabling a 1099 caregiver to manage their taxes, and their business, by providing access to the Ally platform, where caregivers can track and manage their annual earnings. This makes reporting for tax purposes easier for a 1099 caregiver.

This new process has a platform that allows independently employed caregivers to receive client payments and track those payments for tax reporting reporting purposes.

What does Abby Services know about taxes?

My name is Scott Strachan. I am a nurse and one of the owners of Abby Services. I am not a tax professional and must defer to a CPA for any questions. This information is meant to simply help guide a 1099 caregiver to available resources. 

We do work hard to stay informed of changing and complicated Federal guidelines that impact Nurse Registries and the 1099 caregiver (s) we work with. Through Nurse Registry groups such as The Private Care Association (PCA)

The following information is adapted from The Small Business Administration Website:

Independent Contractors are commonly referred to as consultants, freelancers, or being self-employed.   Independent contractors are individuals who are hired to do a particular job, receiving payment only for the work being done. Independent contractors are business owners and are not their clients’ employees. 

They do not receive employee benefits or the same legal protections as employees and are often responsible for their own expenses. Many Independent Contractors use a separate Tax ID number for their business as opposed to using their Social Security Number. A Tax ID Number is free to apply for and can be obtained here

The Hartford also has a great article titled “Everything you need to know about independent contractors.” 

Part of being a 1099  caregiver is managing your own taxes.

Independent contractors must pay federal taxes on income and FICA; however, your client will not withhold taxes for you. As a business owner, 1099 caregivers will need to pay estimated taxes throughout the year instead of once a year on April 15.

Not following these laws can get you into big trouble.

The following IRS resources will help you understand how to pay federal taxes as an independent contractor:


Self-Employed Individual Tax Center

  • Get all the information you need on federal tax at this one-stop resource for independent contractors.

Federal Tax Forms for Sole Proprietors

  • Obtain a list of IRS forms frequently used by independent contractors.

One of the common forms referenced and used by Independent Contractors are quarterly income reporting forms or form 941. This form is required for individuals who expect to earn over $1,000 for the year. If it is anticipated that an Independent Contractor will earn less than $1,000 for the year an annual form 944 may be used.

Are you looking for further explanation on working as a 1099 caregiver?

Being an independent contractor in the United States comes with numerous benefits, such as flexibility and the opportunity to control your own business. However, it also entails unique tax responsibilities. This tax guide aims to provide independent contractors with essential information to navigate the tax landscape and ensure compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Disclaimer: Please note that while this guide provides general information, it is crucial to consult with a qualified tax professional or CPA for personalized advice regarding your specific tax situation.

  1. Determine Your Independent Contractor Status: Before delving into tax obligations, it’s important to confirm your classification as an independent contractor. Independent contractors typically work on a project basis and are not considered employees. Independent contractors are issued Form 1099-MISC to report payments made to, whereas employees receive a W-2 form.

  2. Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN): If you don’t already have one, independent contractors should consider obtaining an EIN from the IRS. While not mandatory for all independent contractors, it can provide benefits such as separating your business and personal finances and helping establish a professional image. That being said independent contractors can choose to use their social security number as opposed to an EIN.

  3. Reporting Income: Independent contractors must report all income earned during the tax year, regardless of whether they receive a 1099-MISC form. Keep thorough records of all payments received, including cash, checks, electronic transfers, or any other form of compensation.

  4. Self-Employment Tax: One of the significant tax obligations for independent contractors is the self-employment tax. This tax covers Social Security and Medicare taxes.

  5. Estimated Quarterly Taxes: As an independent contractor, you are required to make estimated quarterly tax payments to cover your income tax liability and self-employment tax. To determine the estimated amounts, calculate your expected income and self-employment tax using IRS Form 1040-ES. The quarterly deadlines fall on April 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and January 15th (of the following year), unless it falls on a weekend or a holiday.

  6. Deductions and Business Expenses: Identify deductible expenses to reduce your taxable income. Common deductions include home office expenses, business supplies, professional fees, travel expenses, and health insurance premiums. Keep accurate records and retain receipts for all business-related expenses.

  7. Home Office Deduction: If you use a portion of your home exclusively for your business, you may be eligible for a home office deduction. The IRS provides two methods to calculate this deduction: the simplified option (using a flat rate per square foot) or the regular method (based on actual expenses).

  8. Retirement Planning: As an independent contractor, it’s essential to plan for your retirement. Consider setting up a retirement plan such as a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA or a Solo 401(k). These plans offer tax advantages and help you save for the future.

  9. Additional Tax Obligations: Apart from income tax and self-employment tax, independent contractors may have additional tax obligations such as state and local taxes, sales tax, or excise tax. Research the specific requirements in your state or consult a tax professional to ensure compliance.

  10. Recordkeeping: Maintain accurate and organized records of your income, expenses, and tax documents. This includes invoices, receipts, bank statements, and any other relevant financial information. Proper recordkeeping will help simplify tax preparation and serve as evidence in case of an audit.

Conclusion: Being aware of your tax obligations as an independent contractor is crucial to avoid penalties and maximize your tax benefits. This guide provides a foundation for understanding your tax responsibilities, but it’s important to consult with a tax professional to address your specific circumstances. Stay informed,


If you are a private 1099 caregiver looking to provide care to seniors in their homes call Abby Services today so we can help refer you to the best clients in our area! Just call 239-590-0861!

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