
When do you need In-Home Care?

When do you need in-home care

Do you need in-home care?

Do you need in-home care? You may have come here looking for answers to this question. Often this is a question families and individuals will need to answer for themselves.

As we age, there are times that we need more support and care than we can provide ourselves. In our younger years, this support is often provided by a spouse and is often temporary.

Unfortunately, the older we get the more help we often need. This level of support can be compounded by many ailments that commonly affect older adults. Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, as well as decreased mobility due to neuropathy and other disorders can significantly impact someone’s ability to remain safely independent.

In the past, the only option for many was to seek out a Nursing Home able to assist with an increased need for assistance. Many would prefer to remain at home and in control of their living environment. Many have found the support they need by seeking in-home care.

In-Home Care is an excellent option for those who wish to remain independent and safe with the support they need.

Abby Services is able to help you or your loved ones find the best in-home caregivers in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and all of Lee County. We have been helping seniors find solutions for their in-home care needs since 1997!

Your in-home caregiver can assist with ADLs or activities of daily living which include: Bathing, Dressing, Ambulation, Hygiene, and Toileting. Your caregiver can also assist with activities that help you remain independent such as light housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation, pet care, communicating with family members, and much more. 

In-Home Caregiver services are available on a schedule that you choose and manage. This guarantees the flexibility you want and need.

So how do you know when it is time to seek out In-Home Care?

Some folks just know when they need in-home care. The signs can be difficult to ignore. Often this is determined after a serious accident or hospitalization. However, a proactive approach is encouraged to help avoid serious injury and the expense of an extended hospital stay and a possible prolonged stay at a rehab facility.

It is possible that you have noticed your aging parents have begun to repeat stories, or you have noticed that they are leaving the stove on. Maybe you have a parent who’s started to get lost, or who is having a hard time dressing, eating, or cooking on their own. Sometimes the warning signs can be obvious and others a little more difficult to pick up on. 

A guide to help determine if you need in-home care.

To help determine when your loved one needs In-Home Care we have developed this guide. If any of these seem familiar it is a sign you should call Abby Services to help meet your In-Home Care needs by finding a reliable caregiver.

1. Your Parent Misses Meetings, Appointments, And Obligations.

A dangerous sign of dementia and Alzheimer’s is forgetfulness. When parents start to miss social events they may be exhibiting early signs of memory loss. Even if your parent’s memory is still sharp as a tack, missing scheduled appointments can indicate embarrassment about a difficulty or inability to get dressed, challenges driving, or even being able to safely walk. All of these situations indicate a need for additional support.

2. Difficulty Standing on Their Own.

While standing up may be thought of as a simple task. When your parents have difficulty accomplishing this once simple task it can create a dangerous situation and it is time to consider the support of an In-Home Caregiver.

Difficulty standing may not seem like a big deal that can be easily attributed to arthritis or stiff joints, it’s important to remember that, without help, your parent could easily be stuck for hours or days if they can’t get up on their own. Difficulty standing also creates dangerous fall risks which could lead to injury or even death.

3. Unexplained Bruising or Wounds 

If you are noticing injuries that have no explanation it is time to be concerned. When seniors start to have trouble walking, dressing, or cleaning on their own, unexplained bruises or wounds can be seen. These injuries are evidence of falls, slips, or accidents in the home that an In-Home Caregiver can help to avoid.

4. Neglected Home Or Self Neglect

We hear it often. Dad used to be so meticulous about his house or hygiene. People may notice that the trash hasn’t been taken out, or that expired food is in the refrigerator. Perhaps you’ve begun to notice that your father isn’t showering or shaving anymore.

Parents may attribute these things to simple forgetfulness, however, it’s important to remember that rotten food in the refrigerator may indicate that your parent isn’t eating and that poor personal hygiene can put your parent at risk of infections and may indicate greater underlying issues such as dementia or decreased mobility.

5. Forgetfulness

Jokingly you may hear folks describe “Senioritis” however, forgetfulness can be a symptom of Alzheimer’s. When your loved one is forgetting critical things, the situation can quickly become dangerous and requires In-Home Care to monitor for safety and assist as needed.

6. Confusion

Although forgetfulness and confusion are often used interchangeably they can be considered separate issues. A loved one who gets lost, frustrated, or angry is showing signs of confusion. This is also a sign of Alzheimer’s and dementia and indicates the need for additional in-home care and assistance.

7. Incontinence

Incontinence, unintended or unexpected accidents, soiled pants or underwear, and an unpleasant body odor are all signs that your loved one is having difficulty using the bathroom on his or her own, and needs professional assistance to maintain their dignity and quality of life.

8. Difficulty Managing Finances

All seniors are at risk of financial abuse. Financial trouble not related to financial abuse can still affect seniors without their friends and family noticing. If your parent has begun to bounce checks or get late payment notices, they may simply be forgetting. A private caregiver can help serve as an extra set of eyes to prevent financial abuse.

9. Social Isolation

Social Isolation can be dangerous for seniors. It can affect a senior’s health and contribute to the development of dementia and cognitive decline. If you notice your elderly parent isolating themselves, hiring an in-home caregiver can prevent the situation from worsening, improve quality of life, and help increase safety.

10. Weight Changes

Unexplained weight loss or gain can be a sign that your parents are having trouble feeding themselves, possibly forgetting whether they’ve eaten, or eating for emotional comfort. A private In-Home Caregiver can help to prepare healthy nutritious meals that can be packaged and consumed later.

11. Auto Accidents

Unexplained damage to a vehicle can be a sign of dangerous or unaware driving. This can put your loved one at risk but also everyone sharing the road with them.

Losing one’s right to drive can be a devastating occurrence and is often concealed when it becomes a concern. Many seniors continue to drive past the point where it’s medically advisable, putting themselves and others at risk as a result. Families often do not know how to approach this situation.

In Florida, you may anonymously report anyone to be evaluated which is often a good approach. This is covered in our post on Dangerous Senior Drivers.

Should driving no longer be an option an In-Home Caregiver can help to make sure important appointments and activities are not missed.

12. Difficulty Managing Medications

According to Georgetown University HPI, most older adults in the U.S. fill between 9-13 prescriptions on an annual basis.

All of these medications can become difficult or impossible to manage as age and forgetfulness set in.

With an in-home caregiver, seniors can manage their medication independently and correctly with medication reminders. A caregiver can report to families concerns and when medications are missed or refused.

13. Depression

Seniors may suffer from depression as they age due to isolation, the loss of a spouse, or other life changes. In these cases, an in-home caregiver can help by providing companionship,  and support.

14. Wandering

Wandering can be a dangerous symptom of Alzheimer’s. If your parent has begun to wander out of the house and get lost, in-home help is of the utmost importance, both for the senior’s safety and your peace of mind.

Choosing to hire an in-home caregiver for an aging parent can be difficult. Recognizing when it is time to call for extra help is important. 

Taking the first step is typically the smartest way to ensure your parents can safely age in place. With professional care, support, and assistance most individuals can remain safe and independent in their own homes for as long as they choose.

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