
Another Deficiency Free Survey For Abby Services

Deficiency free survey

Abby Services receives another perfect survey from the Agency For Healthcare Administration.

Yes! Another deficiency free survey for Abby Services! But what does that mean for the seniors throughout Fort Myers & Cape Coral seeking excellent caregivers? It means the patients and families seeking in-home senior care can’t go wrong with Abby Services.

How many deficiency free surveys has Abby Services had?

It’s no surprise (and no small feat) that Abby Services has earned its 8th deficiency-free survey. Since we are surveyed every 2 years, this most recent survey brings the total number of deficiency-free years to 16 for Abby Services. What does it mean to be deficiency free? As a consumer, it means you are working with the best!  Think of it as getting a really good report card.

What does a deficiency-free survey mean anyway?

Home Care providers are facing increasing regulatory scrutiny with each passing year.  A deficiency-free survey means that Abby Services continues to meet or exceed AHCA’s (The Agency for Healthcare Administration’s) expectations every year! Our most recent state inspection confirms it: We received an A+! Or rather, a 100% deficiency-free survey.  It shows that ALL services provided,  exceed ALL state-required standards.

Surveys are conducted by AHCA or The Agency For Healthcare Administration. On its website, AHCA states its mission as “Better Health Care for All Floridians.”

They are responsible for the administration of the Florida Medicaid program, licensure, and regulation of Florida’s 48,500 health facilities, including Nursing Homes, and hospitals.


How often do these state inspections take place?

Semi-Annual inspections are conducted by the Agency For Healthcare Administration. Surveyors arrive unannounced and over the course of a day, they interview caregivers & clients,  review procedures, and check records for compliance with regulations on care, confidentiality, caregiver screening, patient rights, and quality of services. Abby Services operates at the highest level of quality at all times. We never know when the ‘pop quiz’ will happen, but we are always ready, and our survey records show it.

An excellent state survey means you or your loved one can expect the highest level of service. This is an important factor when considering what In-Home Care Service to use. Some In-Home Care providers are cited for failing to do proper background screenings, failing to maintain specific state-required training, or failing to even maintain a proper business license. These citations only identify issues that were found. Citations result in fines and corrective plans which have to be put in place and followed.  Licensed providers’ survey results can be reviewed here.

What you may find in other providers survey results.

Deficiency free survey results can be difficult to achieve. To do so requires a solid knowledge of confusing state regulations. This knowledge must be combined with solid practices to ensure these regulations and guidelines are followed.

Some providers may not have a solid working knowledge of the regulations that govern our industry. This results in incorrectly completed or absent background screenings, missing training to insure a caregiver can competently and safely assist an individual in their home, or even improper or absent emergency plans. 

These surveys where non-compliance with state guidelines is discovered require the offending business to correct the issue. if serious enough the deficient findings can result in fines and ultimately suspension of a business license which is required to function.

How do you know if the senior care service is deficiency free?

A deficiency free survey demonstrates that a Senior Caregiver Service is following required state guidelines. AHCA does have survey results available to review (the link is listed above) however it can be cumbersome to review. 

You could just ask. All licensed senior care businesses are required to have their deficiency reports available on site. The business should know what deficiencies they had and what action was taken to correct them. (More alarming is if they dont know their deficiencies or actions taken to correct them).

Abby Services is proud to share our results. Our history of deficiency-free surveys shows in the caregivers our clients work with.

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