Alzheimer's In-Home Care | In-Home Memory Care | Fort Myers & Cape Coral
Abby Services can help seniors manage Alzheimer’s in-home care and in-home memory care throughout Fort Myers and Cape Coral by referring trained in-home caregivers. To find alzheimer’s in-home care now just call 239-590-0861.
How can Abby Services help with Alzheimer's in-home care?
Managing a loved one’s memory care at home can be a daunting task. Many spouses and loved ones attempt to provide in-home Alzheimer’s care themselves for as long as they possibly can.
Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that continually gets worse. Eventually, even the most devoted family caregivers run the risk of caregiver burnout. As a loved one’s needs (and supervision requirements) increase, family caregivers realize they need additional help, to manage their loved one’s Alzheimer’s in-home care.
Due to the nature of Alzheimer’s disease, patients require constant care and attention, to ensure they are safe. This becomes challenging to manage when families must find the support of not just one in-home caregiver but multiple caregivers.
Families can easily become overwhelmed when attempting to manage multiple caregivers in an attempt to ensure the needs of their memory-impaired loved ones are met.
5 helpful tips for Alzheimer's caregivers.
Finding the right in-home caregiver can be hard.
It is hard to find professional caregivers with the skills and patience to assist a memory-impaired individual with Alzheimer’s in-home care. That’s why it is important to work with Alzheimer’s in-home memory care professionals, who are familiar with the needs of families of dementia patients.
Abby Services has access to a large pool of qualified, trained, professional Alzheimer’s in-home care providers and the resources to help you direct their care.
The following helpful link is a resource to help guide families to find the right caregiver for their elderly parent.
For many, In-home memory care cost is a concern.
When you need Alzheimer’s in-home care, the cost can quickly become a concern. This is due to the nature of Alzheimer’s disease. There may be long periods of time a patient may not require direct support, however, it only takes a moment for a client to wander unattended.
While Abby Services has some of our area’s most cost-efficient caregivers in-home memory care costs can add up, especially when considering 12 and 24-hour periods that require a caregiver’s monitoring attention, expertise, and support. The following are the most common ways families pay for Alzheimer’s in-home care.
- Private Pay
- Private pay is the most common way families pay for in-home memory care. This basically means that clients and their families pay out of pocket for in-home care.
- Abby Services works with families to consider options beyond paying for a private in-home Alzheimers caregiver.
- This is accomplished by providing flexible options that allow a family to request when they truly require a caregiver. This can supplement Alzheimer’s care provided by friends and family.
- Abby Services works with families to consider options beyond paying for a private in-home Alzheimers caregiver.
- Long-term care insurance is another common way clients pay for in-home memory care. Long-term care insurance (LTCI) can cover all of the cost of Alzheimer’s in-home care or it can be used to help offset the cost of care.
- LTCI’s can be confusing and challenging to navigate. When tasked with managing dementia care the time and energy involved in managing an insurance claim can be overwhelming. Abby Services can help make sense of confusing policies and be sure clients receive all of the benefits they are entitled to.
- Abby Services can help you understand what your LTCI policy covers, and how much it covers, and can help you manage all documentation needed to access and get paid by your policy.
- Hospice is a common, and often an unrecognized way to pay for in-home Alzheimer’s care. Yes, hospice is considered end-of-life care. For that reason, a client will need to meet specific parameters. Should your memory-impaired loved one meet these requirements hospice can be a valuable resource.
- Although not in our area, Crossroads Hospice has an excellent breakdown of Hospice criteria for dementia patients.
Who is best suited to manage a private in-home caregiver? YOU!
Yes! You can independently manage your Alzheimer’s in-home care but don’t try to do it alone. Our nurse, Scott Strachan has the experience and training to help families develop a personalized care plan that addresses the unique needs of a memory-impaired patient. With our support and input, families can develop a care plan that delivers stability, support, and quality of life.
Developing a client-directed care plan with clear expectations and guidelines allows your in-home care provider to receive direction from the individual who knows the patient best, you.
By developing a personalized list of patient and family expectations, direction, and information, we can help to ensure the in-home caregiver you work with has the tools necessary to be sure your loved one receives the best memory care in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and all of Southwest Florida.
The Alzheimer's in-home care providers we refer are truly what makes all the difference.
When combined with your guidance, Abby Services’ expertise, and the specialized Alzheimer’s and dementia training your caregiver has received, your caregiver can monitor, assess, and address your loved one’s needs on a personal basis.
This is accomplished by developing and adopting a flexible daily routine to support your loved ones in their home. By following this process we help families find in-home caregivers who provide the best memory care in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and all of Southwest Florida.
Flexibility is especially important with constantly changing needs.
Patient and family needs may change frequently when receiving in-home care. We help families and their loved ones remain in control by allowing them to choose how, when, and where they would like their Alzheimer’s in-home caregiver.
This is an important tool to help manage Alzheimer’s in-home memory care costs. By utilizing a personalized, flexible, and tailored approach, we can help families as their needs change. This flexible approach helps to ensure their loved one can remain in-home, and age in place, for as long as they choose.
Local memory care support and knowledge.
Abby Services has been helping the residents of Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and all of Lee County find the best Alzheimer’s in-home care by referring amazing givers throughout Southwest Florida. Our experience in this area goes back to 1997 when we first started and continues to this day. We work together with our area’s leading Alzheimer’s in-home care experts to be sure you get the help you need.
Alzheimer’s and dementia are often confused and used interchangeably. However, it is important to recognize their differences.
Dementia is a general term for loss of memory, thinking, and reasoning skills that are severe enough to interfere with daily life including problems with language, behavior, memory, and emotions.
There are diseases and conditions other than Alzheimer’s that can cause dementia such as Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injuries, and infections.
When an individual is diagnosed with dementia, they are diagnosed based on a set of symptoms. Some forms of dementia are temporary or reversible.
Caring for an individual who has dementia can have many challenges. We have included a great tool for those caring for a patient with dementia below.
Alzheimer’s disease is one specific form of dementia that affects parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include impaired thought, speech, and confusion. Alzheimer’s is not reversible or curable however in some instances dementia could be. Although both may require Alzheimer’s in-home care.
Alzheimer's in-home care and dementia support in your home.
Online resources are a key component of in-home support available to help families manage memory impairment. National options include the Alzheimers Association and The American Alzheimer’s Foundation, but neither of those focuses on memory care in Fort Myers and Cape Coral the way The Dubin Center does.
The staff and volunteers at The Dubin Center combine local expertise with resource referrals, education, and support groups. This provides a unique opportunity to directly assist and support our local residents and their families in managing memory impairment. They can provide invaluable support and direction for families managing Alzheimer’s in-home care.
Do you want to speak with one of our experts? Just call 239-590-0861.